Best Foods to Improve Vision of Eye
Carrot contains vitamin-A nutrient which will improve the eye vision and protect from sun light damage. Lutein and beta-carotene will prevent from night blindness disease and give healthier eyes. The ingredients lutein and beta-carotene will boost the pigment density and eliminates macular degeneration.
It is necessary to add half-cup of spinach in your daily food to eliminate eye sight loss. Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin nutrients will protect your eyes from UV rays and improve vision sight. Not only spinach you can also add collard greens, broccoli, kale brussels sprouts, peas, zucchini and romaine lettuce. Having a spinach juice daily on empty stomach will give maximum benefit.
Egg will maintain the health of your eye lens. The raw egg contains lutein and zeaxanthin which can be easily absorb by human body. We need to add 2 eggs to our food each egg has 0.25mg of antioxidants. If we follow this mechanism you can block the aged blindness disease.
Fishes like salmon, tuna and cod contains high rich of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants for eyes. The omega-3 fatty acids will avoid the dry-eye stage. Add these fishes to your food as salad or soup for two times in a week.
Related Tags:Eye careHealthier Eyes