C&S High Energy Suet 8 Count Value Pack, Wild Bird Food Ingredients

C&S High Energy Suet is now available in a “NEW” 8 pack carton design featuring an image of a real bird. Still the EXACT same C&S formula that provides a great source of high energy to your backyard birds, which have a very high metabolism. This high energy formulation of animal fat is traditionally used to attract birds that do not normally come to feeders, and is an excellent substitute for insects that many birds feed on. By feeding suet, you offer a much higher caloric energy source and a meal the birds can’t resist. Maintaining a stable food source helps birds ensure nesting success and reduces hazards to parent birds. In addition, suets are one of the first foods birds will offer their young. Year round feeding allows you to observe and enjoy wild birds when they are the most active and colorful. There are 8 cakes of suet in this pack making it more convenient for consumers who love feeding the birds. Refrigerate the suet cake for easy removal from the package before feeding. Just remove the wrap and insert the cake into the feeder. Watch the birds flock to your feeders!
Product Category : Bird Supplies
Product Rating:
Rendered Beef Suet, Corn, White Millet, Oats, Sunflower Meal.
Manufacturer Info
Manufacturer Name | Central Garden & Pet |
Available Countries | United States |
Made In | United States |
Available Since | 1986 |
- Ideal for suet cake feeders
- Contains sunflower seeds, millet, and corn for added nutrition
- Attracts woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, and starlings
- High energy food for wild birds only
- High energy suet For “Year Round” wild bird feeding
- This suet attracts a wide variety of wild birds, and provides them a nutritious diet
- For easy removal from the package, refrigerate prior to feeding
How to Use
Our Wild Bird Suet Treats will become soft and pliable at 100° F if exposed to extreme heat. They will return to normal hardness at room temperature. Refrigerate for easy removal. Our unique high quality process allows High Energy Bird Suet to be fed year round. Just remove the wrap and insert cake into feeder.
C&S High Energy Suet 8 Count Value Pack, Wild Bird Food Flavours
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