OSI Brine Shrimp Red Ring Artemia Eggs Ingredients and Nutrition Fact

O.S.I. Brine Shrimp Eggs (Artemia Cysts) are harvested from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, U.S.A. The eggs are washed, dried and vacuum packed. Before shipping, all lots of eggs are tested for hatchability. Newly hatched nauplii from these eggs provide one of nature’s finest, nutritious foods for many fishes and invertebrates. The resulting nauplii contain approximately 61% protein and are rich in fatty acids and pigments. OSI Brine Shrimp Eggs (Atremia Cysts) are the world best quality brine shrimp eggs use world over by breeders to feed fish fry (Baby Fishes) . OSI Red RING with 90% + hatching rate RED RING denotes 90-95% hatch rate. The tin has 454 grams (16 Ounces) of cysts. Brine shrimp larve is the best feed for the fish fry (Baby Fish) and baby shrimps and prawns. Larve hatching out of the eggs are rich in Protien upto 61%. The quality of OSI is exceptionally good compared to any other in the world because The Great Salt Lake (GSL) in Utah USA is the biggest natural salt lake which has the brine shrimp strain franciscana. Water Parameters: Salinity of Water : 28 to 30 Grams Rock Salt per Liter Water pH: 8 – 8.3 Water Temp : 28 to 30 Degrees C Light Source : 25 to 40 Watts Filament Bulb (Maintain distance as filament bulb increases water temperature
Product Category : Fish Supplies
Product Rating:
Guppys, angels, bettas, all fishes
Nutrition Facts, Info
Nutrition fact information, OSI Brine Shrimp Red Ring Artemia Eggs Nutrition data as per the product manufacturers nutrition fact label.

Manufacturer Info
Manufacturer Name | OSI |
Available Countries | United States, India |
Made In | United States |
Available Since | 2020 |
Non Vegetarian, All Life Stages
How to Use
All Breed Sizes
OSI Brine Shrimp Red Ring Artemia Eggs Flavours
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